Dental Implants Garland, TX

While dentures and bridges are great tooth replacements, they aren’t the only options to replace missing teeth. Dental implants are restorations we surgically place in your jawbone to serve as new tooth roots. Because the titanium in the implants fuses with your jawbone, the implants won’t slip. Dental implants are a high-quality restorative dentistry treatment we offer in Garland, TX, that delivers durable and natural results.

Implants are known as the gold standard for tooth replacement. Compared to removable, traditional options, implant restorations improve tooth function, appearance, and longevity. 

Dental Implants in Garland, TX

Parts of a Dental Implant

A dental implant consists of three parts. These parts work in harmony to restore your teeth and your smile. 

  • Implant Post: The implant post is a small titanium screw a surgeon places in the jaw bone. This post is biocompatible, meaning it will easily become a part of your mouth without any negative effects. Over time, the jaw bone grows around the post to secure it in the mouth. The implant posts act as new, replacement tooth roots that stabilize restorations.
  • Abutment: This piece connects the implant post to the restoration. We may place the abutment directly after the post or wait until you heal.
  • Restoration: The implant restoration is the tooth-colored false teeth above the gums. We work with dental labs to create restorations made of strong yet natural-looking porcelain materials. A single dental implant uses a dental crown or cap. Multiple implants can secure bridges or dentures in place. We will place the final restoration after you heal from the implant and abutment placement. 

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Traditional restorations, such as bridges or dentures, lie on the gums. These restorations do not support the health of the gums or remaining teeth. Dental implants offer many benefits over removable restorations. Implants: 

  • Support the jaw bone: After you lose permanent teeth, you can experience jaw bone recession. Without support from natural teeth, the jaw bone recedes. Jaw bone loss leads to facial sagging and difficulty eating and speaking. Rebuilding and supporting this bone with implants keeps the jaw bone healthy. 
  • Restore bite function: Because implants replace teeth at the root, they make biting and chewing easier. Unlike removable dentures or traditional bridges, implants do not have dietary restrictions. Dental implants restore as much as 80 percent of your bite force. Implants also ensure your teeth do not slip when you eat.
  • Last for years: Implants are permanent. While you may replace your restoration over time, you do not need to rebase or reline it as often. The implants stay in the jaw bone as long as you maintain good oral health.
  • Improve appearance: Implant-supported restorations use porcelain materials that we color-match to natural teeth. We customize these restorations to the measurements of your mouth. Additionally, implants can change your face shape because they support the jaw. Implants combat facial sagging, which can make you look older. When implants replace your teeth, they help naturally lift your lower face.

Dental Implants in Garland, TX

Before treatment, we ensure you are a good candidate for dental implants. We will take X-rays to see if you have enough jaw bone and are in good oral health.

If needed, we provide pretreatments to address bone loss or infection. We recommend bone grafting if you do not have sufficient jaw bone to support implants. Bone grafting uses donor bone or bone from another part of the mouth and places it in areas with minimal jaw bone. 

If you have infected or injured teeth, tooth extractions, root canal therapy, or gum disease treatment are other pretreatments. Once you are ready, we will begin implant treatment. 

Our office works with an oral surgeon to place the implant posts. The surgeon will use an anesthetic so you feel comfortable during treatment. Then, our surgeon places the implant posts and a healing cap.

Over three to six months, the implants will fuse to the jaw bone during a process called osseointegration. Once you heal fully, we will place the abutments and take impressions for your final restoration.

You will need more time for your gums to heal after we place your abutments. Finally, once your final restoration is complete, you will return to our office. We will remove your temporary restoration. Then, we will double-check for fit and comfort before we place your final restoration. 

How to Care for Implant Restorations

Once you receive your final restoration, you can brush and floss like natural teeth. Our office will provide tips on properly cleaning your crown, bridge, or denture. We often recommend threaded floss or water flossers, although traditional floss can get between your restoration.  

Implant failure is rare because implants have a success rate of over 95 percent. However, there are some scenarios in which you are at an increased risk of failure.

We will ask that you avoid smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco products during the dental implant process. The nicotine in tobacco restricts the blood vessels. This means that it will take longer to heal after you get your implants. As a result, your implants may not heal fully, leading to implant failure. 

Peri-implantitis is another cause of implant failure. This infection often occurs if you do not brush or floss thoroughly after you receive your implants. If you notice loose implants or a change in the fit of your restoration, please call our office. 

What is Teeth in A Day?

“Teeth in a Day” refers to removing teeth, placing implants, and placing a temporary restoration in one visit. This process ensures you have a restoration during the implant process. You don’t have to worry about living with missing tooth gaps while you wait for your final implant restoration. 

Restore Missing Teeth

Are missing tooth gaps impacting your self-confidence? Get same-day dental implants in Garland, TX, to restore one or more lost teeth. Call Cornerstone Family Dentistry today at 972-848-7749 or schedule an appointment online. 

Let us know if you have questions about implants or missing teeth concerns at your next visit. We will be happy to help.